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Google Scholar webpage

[2024]  Analytically Tractable Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks

            with Structural Health Monitoring Applications

            Van-Dai Vuong.

            Ph.D. Thesis, Polytechnique Montréal



[2023]  Bayesian Neural Network to Factor-in Structural Attributes

            in Infrastructure Probabilistic Deterioration Models

            Ali, Fakhri.

            M.Sc. Thesis, Polytechnique Montréal

            [PDF] []  


[2022]  Analytical Bayesian Parameter Inference for Probabilistic Models

            with Engineering Applications

            Deka, Bhargob.

            Ph.D. Thesis, Polytechnique Montréal



[2022]  Damage Detection for Structural Health Monitoring

            Using Reinforcement and Imitation Learning

            Khazaeli, Shervin.

            Ph.D. Thesis, Polytechnique Montréal



[2022]  Analytical Inference for Visual Inspection Uncertainty in the Context of

            Transportation Infrastructures

            Laurent, B.

            M.Sc. Thesis, Polytechnique Montréal

            [PDF] []


[2020]  Stochastic Modelling of Infrastructures Deterioration and Interventions based

            on Network-Scale Visual Inspections

            Hamida, Z.

            Ph.D. Thesis, Polytechnique Montréal



[2019]  Real-time Anomaly Detection in the Behaviour of Structures

            Nguyen, L.H.

            Ph.D. Thesis, Polytechnique Montréal





[2024]  Coupling LSTM neural networks and state-space models through analytically tractable inference

            Vuong, V.D., Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.

            International Journal of Forecasting. in press.

            [PDF] [ ] [ ] []

[2024]  Quantifying the relative change in maintenance costs due to delayed maintenance actions

            on transportation infrastructure

            Hamida, Z. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. in press.

            [PDF] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[2024]  Enhancing structural anomaly detection using a bounded autoregressive component

            Xin, Z.  and Goulet, J.-A.

            Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Volume 212, pp.111279.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2024]  Analytically Tractable Heteroscedastic Uncertainty Quantification in Bayesian Neural Networks

            for Regression Tasks

            Deka, B., Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Neurocomputing. Volume 572, pp.127183.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2024]  Damage Detection for Structural Health Monitoring Using Reinforcement and Imitation Learning

            Khazaeli, S. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structure and infrastructure engineering. In press

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX]  

[2023]  Approximate Gaussian Variance Inference for State-Space Models

            Deka, B. and Goulet, J.-A.

            International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. Volume 37, Issue 11, pp. 2934-2962.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2023]  Analytical Inference for the Inspectors Uncertainty Using Network-Scale Visual Inspections

            Laurent, B., Deka, B., Hamida, Z. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE Volume 37, Issue 5, 04023022.  

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2023]  Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance Planning

            Hamida, Z. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Volume 235, 109214.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2022]  Analytically Tractable Hidden-States Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks

            Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.,

            Journal of Machine Learning Research, Volume 23, pp. 1-33. 

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2022]  OpenIPDM: A Probabilistic Framework for Estimating the Deterioration and Effect of Interventions on


            Hamida, Z.,  Laurent, B  and Goulet, J.-A.,

            Software X. Volume 18, 101077.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX]

[2022]  A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Network-Scale Deterioration and Effect of Interventions on

            Hamida, Z. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Volume 29, Issue 4, e2916.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2021]  The Gaussian multiplicative approximation for state-space models

            Deka, B. Nguyen, L.H., Amiri, S. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Volume 29, Issue 3, e2904.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2021]  Tractable Approximate Gaussian Inference for Bayesian Neural Networks

            Goulet, J.-A., Nguyen, L.H. and Amiri, S.

            Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20-1009, Volume 22, Number 251, pp. 1-23. 

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] []

[2021]  Quantifying the Effects of Interventions Based on Visual Inspections from a Network of Bridges

            Hamida, Z. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link] []

[2021]  Anomaly detection using state-space models and reinforcement learning

            Khazaeli, S., Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Volume 28, Issue 6, e2720.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link] []

[2021]  Network-scale deterioration modelling of bridges based on visual inspections and structural attributes

            Hamida, Z. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Safety. Volume 88, January 2021, 102024.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link] []


[2020]  Modeling Infrastructure Degradation from Visual Inspections Using Network-Scale State-Space Models

            Hamida, Z. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Volume 27, Issue 9, e2582.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link] []


[2019]  Real-time Anomaly Detection with Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models

            Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Volume 26, Issue 9

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2019]  A Kernel-based Method for Modeling Non-Harmonic Periodic Phenomena in

            Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models

            Nguyen, L.H., Gaudot, I., Shervin Khazaeli and Goulet, J.-A.

            Frontiers in Built Environment. Vol.5, i.d.:434090

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2019]  Uncertainty quantification for model parameters and hidden state variables in

            bayesian dynamic linear models

            Nguyen, L.H., Gaudot, I., and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp.e2136

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2018]  Anomaly Detection with the Switching Kalman Filter for Structural Health Monitoring

            Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp.e2136

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2018]  Structural health monitoring with dependence on non-harmonic periodic hidden covariates
            Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.

            Engineering Structures, 166:187 – 194.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2018]  Empirical validation of Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models in the context of Structural Health Monitoring

            Goulet, J.-A. and Koo, K.

            Journal of Bridge Engineering. Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 05017017

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2018]  Probabilistic Modeling of Heteroscedastic Laboratory Experiments Using Gaussian Process


            Tabor, L. Goulet, J.-A., Charron, J.-P., Desmettre C

            Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Vol. 44, Issue 6, pp. 04018038

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2017]  Bayesian dynamic linear models for structural health monitoring

            Goulet, J.-A.

            Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Vol. 24, Issue 12, pp.e2025

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2017]  A machine learning approach for characterizing soil contamination in the presence of physical site     

            discontinuities and aggregated samples

            Quach, A., Tabor, L., Dumont, D., Courcelles, B., and Goulet, J.-A.

            Advanced Engineering Informatics., vol.66, pp. 60-67.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2016]  Measurement system design using expected utility

            R. Pasquier, J.-A. Goulet and I. Smith,

            Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 32, pp. 40–51.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2016]  Measurement, data interpretation and uncertainty propagation for fatigue assessments of structures

            R. Pasquier, L. D'Angelo, J.-A. Goulet, C. Acevedo, A. Nussbaumer, and I. Smith,

            Journal of Bridge Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000861, 04015087.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2015]  Data-driven post-earthquake rapid structural safety assessment

            Goulet, J.-A., Michel C., and Der Kiureghian, A.

            Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 549-562.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2015]  Pre-Posterior Optimization of Sequence of Measurement and Intervention Actions Under Structural

            Reliability Constraint

            Goulet, J.-A., Der Kiureghian, A., and Li, B.

            Structural Safety, vol. 52, Part A, pp. 1-9.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2015]  Improving Fatigue Evaluations of Structures Using In-service Behavior Measurement Data

            Pasquier, R., Goulet, J.-A., Acevedo, C., and Smith, I.F.C.

            Journal of Bridge Engineering, vol. 19, no. 11, p. 04014045

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2014]  Quantifying the effects of modeling simplifications for structural identification of bridges

             Goulet, J.-A., Texier, M., Michel, C., Smith, I.F.C. and Chouinard, L.

             Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 59-71.

             [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

Exploring approaches to improve the performance of autonomous monitoring with imperfect data in

            location-aware wireless sensor networks

            Luo, X., O'Brien, W. J., Leite, F., and Goulet, J.-A.

            Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 287-296.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]   

[2013]  Structural Identification with Systematic Errors and Unknown Uncertainty Dependencies

            Goulet, J.-A. and Smith, I.F.C.

            Computers and Structures, vol. 128, pp. 251-258

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2013]  Model falsification diagnosis and sensor placement for leak detection in pressurized pipe networks

            Goulet, J.-A., Coutu, S. and Smith I.F.C.

            Advanced Engineering Informatics. vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 261-269.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2012]  Performance-driven measurement system design for structural identification

            Goulet, J.-A. and Smith I.F.C.

            Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000250, 427-436.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2012]  Hybrid probabilities and error-domain structural identification using ambient vibration monitoring

            Goulet, J.-A. et Michel, C. and Smith, I.F.C.

            Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 37, Issues 1-2, May-June 2013, Pages 199-212

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2012]  Predicting the usefulness of monitoring for identifying the behaviour of structures

            Goulet, J.-A. and Smith, I.F.C.

           Journal of Structural Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000577, 1716-1727.

            [PDF] [EndNote] [BibTeX] [DOI link]

[2010]  Multimodel structural performance monitoring

            Goulet, J.-A., Kripakaran, P., and Smith, I.F.C.

            Journal of Structural Engineering, 136(10):13091318.

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[2021]  Analytically Tractable Hidden-States Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks

            Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.,


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[2021]  Analytically Tractable Bayesian Deep Q-Learning

            Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.,


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[2021]  Analytically Tractable Inference in Deep Neural Networks

            Nguyen, L.H. and Goulet, J.-A.,


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