Zachary Hamida's Research Page

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Postdoc | 2021-



Research Webpage

Research Gate

B-431.1 Main Building

Ecole Polytechnique

Montreal, CANADA


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering | 2017-2020
   Polytechnique Montreal
   Montreal, Canada

M.Sc. in Computational Science | 2014-2016
   American University of Beirut
   Beirut, Lebanon

B.E. in Civil Engineering | 2008-2013
   University of Aleppo
   Aleppo, Syria



Title: Stochastic Modelling of Infrastructures Deterioration and Interventions based on Network-Scale Visual Inspections

Summary: This research project aims at developing machine learning methods suited for the network-scale degradation analysis of transportation infrastructure. The outcome of the project will be a set of methods that will help monitoring and maintaining existing transportation infrastructure. These techniques will enable tracking the performance of structural elements, forecasting the degradation, assessing the degradation rate changes with time and provide assistance in comparing different maintenance strategies.

  Publications: [2021]

Network-scale deterioration modelling of bridges based on visual inspections and structural attributes.
Hamida, Z. & Goulet, J-A.
Structural Safety.Volume 88, January 2021, 102024. [
PDF] [DOI] [Presentation].

[2020] Modeling Infrastructure Degradation from Visual Inspections Using Network-Scale State-Space Models.
Hamida, Z. & Goulet, J-A.
Structural Control and Health Monitoring.Volume 27, Issue9, e2582. [
PDF] [DOI] [Presentation].

[2020] Stochastic Modelling of Infrastructures Deterioration and Interventions based on Network-Scale Visual Inspections.
Hamida, Z.
Ph.D. thesis, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, Canada. [

[2019] State-Space Models for Network-Scale Analysis of Bridge Inspection Data.
Hamida, Z. & Goulet, J-A.
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), Seoul, South Korea. [

[2017] An Efficient Geometry-based Optimization Approach for Well Placement in Oil Fields.
Hamida, Z., Azizi, F. & Saad, G.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. [DOI

[2016] Hybrid Optimization Techniques for Oil Field Development.
Hamida, Z.
M.Sc. thesis, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.

 Poster: [2019] Modeling Infrastructure Degradation from Visual Inspections Using Network-Scale State-Space Models.
Hamida, Z. & Goulet, J-A.
Modeling and Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification (MNMUQ 2019), Porquerolles Island, France. [PDF].