Bernier, M., A. Neale and M. Kummert. 2024. Development of archetypes to represent a residential building stock .Proceedings of the eSim 2024 conference. Paper ID 115.
Ingelaere, G., M. Bernier and M. Cimmino. 2024. Recharging ground heat exchangers with industrial waste heat using mobile thermal energy storage tanks .Proceedings of the eSim 2024 conference. Paper ID 118.
Sabbagh, G. and M. Bernier. 2024. The effect of the geothermal heat flux on vertical ground heat exchanger performance, Proceedings of the 2024 IGSHPA research conference: 345-353.
Viviescas, G. and M. Bernier. 2024. A water-to-water heat pump model with experimental validation, Energies. 2024; 17(8):1858.
Viviescas, G. and M. Bernier. 2024. A variable speed water-to-water heat pump model used for ground-source applications, Science and Technology for the Built Environment (30): 266-283.
Ahmadfard, A.and M. Bernier. 2023. Simulation of borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) systems using simplified methods . Journnal of Energy Storage. 73(D),109240.
Viviescas, G. and M. Bernier. 2022. Ground heat exchanger performance with variable speed ground-source heat pumps, IGSHPA conference - research track, Las Vegas, December 6-8, 2022. pp.164-172.
Sabbagh, G. and M. Bernier. 2022. Climate change effects on the energy performance of a residential ground-source heat pump , IGSHPA conference - research track , Las Vegas, December 6-8, 2022. pp.27-36.
Neale, A., M. Kummert and M. Bernier. 2022. Development of a bottom-up white-box building stock energy model for single-family dwellings , Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 15: 735-756. (accepted manuscript).
Neale, A., M. Kummert and M. Bernier. 2022. Discriminant Analysis Classification of Residential Electricity Smart Meter Data , Energy and Buildings, 258:111823. (accepted manuscript).
Ahmadfard, A.and M. Bernier. 2022. Thermal Response Factors for Vertical Ground Heat Exchangers . ASHRAE Journal, 64(1): 14-21.
Ahmadfard, A.and M. Bernier. 2021. Sizing Vertical Ground Heat Exchangers . ASHRAE Journal, 63(12): 24-36.
Delcroix, B., J. Le Ny, M. Bernier, M. Azam, B. Qu and J-S. Venne. 2021. Autoregressive neural networks with exogenous variables for indoor temperature prediction in buildings, Building simulation, 14:165-178.(accepted manuscript)
Viviescas, G., H. Saidi, M. Bernier and M. Kummert. 2021. Energy performance advantages of using multiple compressors in a heat pump operating in heating mode. Proceedings of the eSim 2021 conference, Vancouver, Canada, 14-16 june 2021, 10 pages.
Ahmadfard, A., M. Bernier, A. Paleshi, and G.Allen. 2021. Modeling and simulation of a dual temperature BTES system. Proceedings of the eSim 2021 conference, Vancouver, Canada, 14-16 june 2021, 8 pages.
Malandra, F., A.C. Kizilkale, F. Sirois, B. Sansò, M.F. Anjos, M. Bernier, M. Gendreau and R.P. Malhamé. 2020. Smart Distributed Energy Storage Controller (smartDESC), Energy, 210:118500.
Neale, A., M. Kummert and M. Bernier. 2020. Development of a stochastic virtual smart meter data set for a residential building stock–methodology and sample data. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 13(5):583-605.(accepted manuscript) Virtual Smart meter data set
Brussieux, Y. and M. Bernier. 2019. Universal short time g*-functions: generation and application, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 25(8): 993-1006. (accepted manuscript)
Marcotte, B. and M. Bernier. 2019. Experimental validation of a TRC model for a double U-tube borehole with two independent circuits. Applied Thermal Engineering, 162:114229. (accepted manuscript)
Ahmadfard, M. and M. Bernier. 2019. A review of vertical ground heat exchanger sizing tools including an inter-model comparison, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 110:247-265.(accepted manuscript)
Corcoran, A., P. Eslami-nejad, M. Bernier and M. Badache. 2019. Calibration of thermal response test (TRT) units with a virtual borehole, Geothermics. 79:105-113. (accepted manuscript)
Neale, A., M. Kummert and M. Bernier. 2019. Linear discriminant analysis for classification of a large virtual smart meter data set with known building parameters, Proceedings of the 16th International IBPSA conference, Rome, Italy, pp. 3393-3400.
Spitler, J.D. and M. Bernier. 2019. Ground-source heat pump systems: State-of-the-art. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 25(8):945-946.
Bouheret, S. and M. Bernier. 2018. Modelling of a water-to-air variable capacity residential ground source heat pump. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 11(3): 283-293. (accepted manuscript)
Ahmadfard, M. and M. Bernier. 2018. Modifications to ASHRAE’s sizing method for Vertical Ground Heat Exchangers , Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 24:7, 803-817.
Gagné-Boisvert, L. and M. Bernier. 2018. Integrated model for comparison of one- and two-pipe GCHP network configurations, Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 24:7, 726-742.(accepted manuscript)
Brussieux, Y. and M. Bernier. 2018. A hybrid model for generating short-time g-functions . Proceedings of the IGSHPA Research Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2018, pp. 48-56.
Eslami Nejad, P., M. Badache, A. Corcoran and M. Bernier. 2018. A virtual borehole for thermal response test unit calibration: Test facility and concept development. Proceedings of the IGSHPA Research Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2018, pp. 198-206.
Neale, A., M. Kummert and M. Bernier. 2018. Generator : A stochastic virtual smart meter data generation model for residential building stock characterization. Proceedings of eSim 2018, Building Performance Simulation Conference, May 9-10, ETS, Montréal, Québec, Canada, pp. 65-74.
Chalhoub, M., M. Bernier, Y. Coquet and M. Philippe. 2017. A simple heat and moisture transfer model to predict ground temperature for shallow ground heat exchangers, Renewable energy, 103:295-307.
Gagné-Boisvert L. and M. Bernier. 2017. A comparison of the energy use for different heat transfer fluids in geothermal systems. Proceedings of the 2017 IGSHPA Conference and Expo, March 14-16 2017, Denver, USA, pp. 336-345.
Spitler J. D. and M. Bernier. 2016. Advances in ground-source heat pump systems - Chapter 2: Vertical borehole ground heat exchanger design methods. Edited by S. Rees. Woodhead (Elsevier) Publishing. >
Monzó, P., M. Bernier, J. Acuna and P. Mogensen. 2016. A monthly-based bore field sizing methodology with applications to optimum borehole spacing., ASHRAE Transactions, 122(1):111-126.
Gagné-Boisvert L. and M. Bernier. 2016. Accounting for borehole thermal capacity when designing vertical geothermal heat exchangers. ASHRAE summer conference, St-Louis, Missouri, June 2016. Paper ST-16-C027.
Ahmadfard, M., M. Bernier and M. Kummert. 2016. Evaluation of the design length of vertical geothermal boreholes using annual simulations combined with GenOpt. Proceedings of the eSim 2016 Building Performance Simulation Conference, May 3-6, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, pp. 46-57.
Lecomte, C. and M. Bernier. 2016. Modélisation et simulation de puits géothermiques en série pour stockage saisonnier. Proceedings of the eSim 2016 Building Performance Simulation Conference, May 3-6, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, pp. 265-276.
Brischoux, P. and M. Bernier. 2016. Stockage thermique résidentiel par puits géothermique. Proceedings of the eSim 2016 Building Performance Simulation Conference, May 3-6, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, pp. 131-142.
Bernier, M., M. Kummert, S. Sansregret, D. Bourgeois and D. Thevenard. 2016. Teaching a building simulation course at the graduate level. Proceedings of the eSim 2016 Building Performance Simulation Conference, May 3-6, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, pp. 34-45.
Hache, N., G. Soudan and M. Bernier. 2016. Energy use of ground-source heat pumps for various load temperatures. ASHRAE winter conference, Orlando, Florida, January 2016. Paper OR-16-C045.
Brischoux, P. and M. Bernier. 2016. Coupling PV/T collectors with a ground-source heat pump system in a double U-tube borehole. ASHRAE winter conference, Orlando, Florida, January 2016. Paper OR-16-C046.
Godefroy, V., C. Lecomte, M. Bernier, M. Douglas and M. Armstrong. 2016. Experimental validation of a thermal resistance and capacity model for geothermal boreholes. ASHRAE winter conference, Orlando, Florida, January 2016. Paper OR-16-C047.
Leroy, A. and M. Bernier. 2015. Development of a novel spiral coil ground heat exchanger model considering axial effects. Applied Thermal Engineering, 84:409-419.
Cimmino, M. and M. Bernier. 2015. Experimental determination of the g-functions of a small-scale geothermal borehole, Geothermics, 56:60-71.
Nguyen, C-K. and M. Bernier. 2015. Modélisation de tuyaux horizontaux enfouis: application au champ de puits géothermiques peu profonds. XIIe Colloque Inter-universitaire Franco-Québécois, Juin 2015. Sherbrooke. Paper #04-06.
Kim E-J., M. Bernier, O. Cauret and J-J. Roux. 2014. A hybrid reduced model for borehole heat exchangers over different time-scales and regions, Energy, 77:318-326
Salim Shirazi A. and M. Bernier. 2014. A small-scale experimental apparatus to study heat transfer in the vicinity of geothermal boreholes, Int. J. of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research, 20:819-827.
Ndiaye, D. and M. Bernier. 2014. One and Two Time Constant Models to Predict the Capacity of Geothermal Heat Pumps in Cycling Conditions, ASHRAE Transactions, 120(2):320-333.
Eslami-nejad, P., M. Bernier and O. Cauret. 2014. Evaluation of the thermal performance of two non- standard borehole configurations, ASHRAE Transactions, 120(2):147-157.
Cimmino, M. and M. Bernier. 2014. Effects of unequal borehole spacing on the required borehole length, ASHRAE Transactions, 120(2):158-173.
Cimmino, M. and M. Bernier. 2014. A semi-analytical method to generate g-functions for geothermal bore fields, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 70(c):641-650.
Ahmadfard, M. and M. Bernier. 2014. An Alternative to ASHRAE's Design Length Equation for Sizing Borehole Heat Exchangers, ASHRAE annual conference, Seattle, SE-14-C049.
Bernier, M. and O. Cauret. 2014. Modeling of short geothermal boreholes in series with experimental validation. Proceedings of the 11th IEA 2014 Heat Pump conference, Montreal (Quebec), Canada, Paper #O.1.3.3.
Godefroy, V. and M. Bernier. 2014. A simple model to account for thermal capacity in boreholes. Proceedings of the 11th IEA 2014 Heat Pump conference, Montreal (Quebec), Canada, Paper #P.4.8.
Salim Shirazi, A. and M. Bernier. 2013. Thermal capacity effects in borehole ground heat exchangers, Energy and Buildings, 67:352-364.
Eslami-nejad, P. and M. Bernier. 2013. A preliminary assessment on the use of phase change materials around geothermal boreholes, ASHRAE Transactions 119(2):312-321. 2013 Technical paper award. 2013 ASHRAE Technical paper award
Cimmino. M., M. Bernier and F. Adams. 2013. A contribution towards the determination of g-functions using the finite line source,Applied Thermal Engineering, 51(1-2):401-412.
Ndiaye, D. and M. Bernier. 2012. Transient model of a geothermal heat pump in cycling conditions – Part A: the model, International Journal of Refrigeration, 35(8):2110-2123.
Ndiaye, D. and M. Bernier. 2012. Transient model of a geothermal heat pump in cycling conditions – Part B: experimental validation and results, International Journal of Refrigeration, 35(8):2124-2137.
Eslami-nejad, P. and M. Bernier. 2012. Freezing of geothermal borehole surroundings: A numerical and experimental assessment with applications, Applied Energy, 98:333-345.
Bertagnolio, S., M. Bernier and M. Kummert. 2012. Comparing vertical ground heat exchanger models, International Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 5(6):369-383.
Cimmino, M., M. Bernier and P. Pasquier. 2012. Utilisation des g-functions de Eskilson pour la simulation de systèmes géothermiques, IBPSA- Canada – Proceedings of eSim 2012, 1-4 May, Halifax, Canada, pp.282-295.
Eslami-nejad, P. and M. Bernier. 2012. Simulations of a new double U-tube borehole configuration with solar heat injection and ground freezing, IBPSA-Canada – Proceedings of eSim 2012, 1-4 May, Halifax, Canada, pp.257-268. Best paper award for outstanding contribution in applications of modeling.
Spitler, J.D. and M. Bernier. 2011. Ground-source heat pump systems: The first century and beyond. (Editorial). Int. J. of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research -Topical issue, 17(6):891-894.
Philippe, M., M. Bernier, D. Marchio and S. Lopez. 2011. A semi-analytical model for serpentine horizontal ground heat exchangers,Int. J. of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research -Topical issue, 17(6):1044-1058.
Kim E-J., J-J. Roux, M. Bernier and O. Cauret. 2011. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of vertical ground heat exchangers: Domain decomposition and state model reduction, Int. J. of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research -Topical issue, 17(6): 912-927.
Eslami-nejad, P. and M. Bernier. 2011. Coupling of geothermal heat pumps with thermal solar collectors using double U-tube boreholes with two independent circuits, Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(14-15):3066-3077.
Eslami-nejad, P. and M. Bernier. 2011. Heat transfer in double U-tube boreholes with two independent circuits, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 103(8), 12 pages.
Allard, Y., M. Kummert, M. Bernier and A. Moreau. 2011. Intermodel comparison and experimental validation of electrical water heater models in TRNSYS, Proceedings of the 12th International IBPSA conference, 14-17 November, Sydney, Australia, pp.688-695.
Kim, E-J., J-J. Roux, M. Bernier and O. Cauret. 2011. Validation expérimentale d’un modèle détaillé d’échangeurs géothermiques verticaux, Xe Colloque Inter-universitaire Franco-Québécois, 20-22 juin, Saguenay, 6 pages.
Lévesque, M., M. Bernier and F. Genest. 2011. Simulation de dalles rayonnantes couplées à des pompes à chaleur géothermiques, Xe Colloque Inter-universitaire Franco-Québécois, 20-22 juin, Saguenay, 6 pages.
Philippe, M., M. Bernier and D. Marchio. 2010. Sizing Calculation Spreadsheet:Vertical Geothermal Borefields, ASHRAE Journal, 52(7):20-28. See Open Geo for more details and access to EXCEL spreadsheet
Ndiaye, D. and M. Bernier. 2010. Dynamic model of a hermetic reciprocating compressor in on-off cycling operation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 30(8):792-799.
Ndiaye, D. and M. Bernier. 2010. Transient Modeling of Refrigerant-to-Air Fin and Tube Heat Exchangers, Int. J. of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research, 16(3):355-381.
Marcotte, D., P. Pasquier, F. Sheriff and M. Bernier. 2010. The importance of axial effects for borehole design of geothermal heat pump systems, Renewable Energy – An International Journal, 35(4):763-770.
Kim, E-J., J-J. Roux, M. Bernier and O. Cauret. 2010. A new borehole heat exchanger (BHE) model based on state reduction techniques analysis, 10th REHVA world congress – Clima 2010, 9-12 May, paper #R4-TS44-OP06, 8 pages.
Kim, E-J., J-J. Roux, M. Bernier and O. Cauret. 2010. Développement d’un modèle hybride de puits géothermiques verticaux. Conférence IBPSA-France, 9-10 novembre, Moret-sur-Loing, France. 9 pages.
Allard, Y., M. Kummert and M. Bernier. 2010. Using performance simulation in the commissioning and monitoring of a net-zero energy home, Eurosun 2010, 28 september – 1 october, Graz, Austria, 9 pages.
Langlois, A., M. Bernier, M. Kummert and J. Lagacé. 2010. Impact de réservoirs de stockage thermique sur les systèmes géothermiques, IBPSA-Canada - eSim 2010, 19-20 May, Winnipeg, Canada, pp.133-140.