This page contains tools developed by Professor Bernier's group for the design and simulation of geothermal heat pump systems. Licensed under a BSD-3 clause license (see details)
2010 ASHRAE journal article
EXCEL spreadsheet used in the 2010 ASHRAE Journal article (filename:borehole.xls)
2021 ASHRAE journal article
EXCEL spreadsheet used in the 2021 ASHRAE Journal article (filename:GHXSizing V1.c.xlsm)
The g-function pre-processor generates thermal response factors, also known as g-functions, for bore fields. It is based on the Ph.D. work of Massimo Cimmino (Thesis) and this article.
Installation instructions and user manual for the pre-processor.
Bank of g-functions calculated with the pre-processor (zip). Can be used directly with Type 204 (see below)
Test cases developed to perform an intermodel comparison of sizing tools. The work is based on the Ph.D. of Mohammadamin Ahmadfard (Thesis).
Brief summary document and EXCEL spreadsheet for comparison.
Complete article: Accepted manuscript (under CC-BY-NC-ND license) Article on journal web site
Brief Description of the available Types
How to install PolyGHE in TRNSYS
Proformas of all Types (zip)
PolyGHE (dll for all Types)
Simple examples on the use of Types 201,203,204,261, and 262
Example on the use of Type 263
Theory and validation cases for Types 201,203, and 243 (in french) -starting on page 54
Theory and validation cases for Types 261,262, and 263 (in french)
Article on the use of Type 263 (in french)
Article on the use of Type 243