Erratum: \S12.3.1, P.201 "x^{\mathtt{LA}}_{0}]=[0~-0.5~-0.5]" ->x^{\mathtt{LA}}_{0}]=[0~-0.5~-0.05] (Thanks to Stéphane Lafrance) \S12.4, P208 "p = 162.1211" -> p = 168.62 (Thanks to Kyma Symposium) \S14.2.1, P.231 actions, and states -> actions and states (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S9.2, P.146 close-form -> closed-form (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S9.1.2, P.144 where expect -> where we expect (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S9.1.1, P.142 Both the -> The (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S9, P.139 use -> uses (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S6 refection -> rehabilitation (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S6.3.1, P.67, Fig. 6.8 y=1 -> y=-1 (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S9.1.2, P.144: \sigma(s) -> \sigma(d) (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S6.2.2, P.64: \Pr(\Fcheck_{t}|\Fbell)=1-\Pr(\FfireS_{t}|\Fbell)=0.11->\Pr(\Fcheck_{t+1}|\Fbell,\text{\FstickmanbS})=1-\Pr(\FfireS_{t+1}|\Fbell,\text{\FstickmanbS})=0.11 (Thanks to Matthias Meiksner) \S4.1.5, p.41: $\delta_{\text{cable}}=\tfrac{21}{500}=0.11$, which is approximately three times -> $\delta_{\text{cable}}=\tfrac{21}{500}=0.04$, which is approximately seven times. (Thanks to Matthias Meiksner) \S6.6.2, p.78: "variable X," -> "variable R," (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S6.5.2, p.77: "p(x)=" -> "f(x)=" (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S12.1, p.182: "In \S3.4.1" -> "In \S4.1.3" (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S6.5.1, P.74: "xr^2=0.785" -> "\pi r^2=0.785" (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) \S7.5, P.102: f(y|\bm{\theta})=\mathcal{N}(y;\mu_{R},\sigma_{R}^{2}+\sigma_{V}^{2}=0.02^2) -> f(y|\bm{\theta})=\mathcal{N}(y;\mu_{R},\sigma_{R}^{2}+\sigma_{V}^{2}) (Thanks to Ali Fakhri) Figures 6.7,6.8,6.8, P.67-68: there has been a printing issue with two overlaid characters and one should read y=-1 on the top left of the figures. Figure 6.21a: The vertical y-axis thick for f(x|D) should be positionned right next to the curve rather than on the top of the plot. (Thanks to Yue Zhou) \S12.1.1, P.189: \bm{\mu}_0=[10 -1]^\intercal