probabilistic machine learning for civil engineers 3
learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Su-
pervised learning applies in the context where we want to build a
model describing the relationships between the characteristics of a
system defined by covariates and observed system res ponses that
We employ the generic term system
to refer to either a single object or many
interconnected objects that we want to
study. We use the term covariates for
variables describing the characteristics or
the properties of a system.
are typically either continuous values or categories. With unsuper-
vised learning, t h e objective is to discover structures , patterns, sub-
groups, or even anomalies without knowing what the right answer is
because the target outputs are not observed. The third subfield is
reinforcement learning, which involves more abstract concept s than
supervised and unsupervised learning. Reinforcement learning deals
with sequential decision problems where the goal is to learn the
optimal action to choose, given the knowledge that a system is in
a particular state. Take the example of infrastructure maintenance,
where, given the state of a structure today, we must choose between
performing maintenance or doing nothing. The key is that there is
no data to train on with respect to the d eci s ion -m aki n g behavior
that the computer should reproduce. With reinforcem ent learning,
the goal is to identify a policy describing the optimal act i on to
perform for each possible state of a system in order to maximize
the long-term accumulation of rewards. Note that the cl ass i fic ati on
of machine learning methods within supervised, u n su pervised, and
reinforcement learning has limitations. For many met hods, the
frontie r s are blurre d because there is an overlap between more than
one ML subfield with respect to the mathematical formulations
employed as wel l as the applications.
This book is intended to help making machine learning concepts
accessible to civil engineers who do not have a specialized back-
ground in statistics or in computer science. The goal is to dissect
and simplify, through a step-by-step review, a selection of key ma-
chine learning concepts and methods. At the end, the reader should
have acquired sufficient knowledge to understand dedicated ma-
chine learning literatur e from which this book borrows and thus
expand on advanced methods that are beyond the scope of this
introductory work.
The diagram in figure 1.3 depicts the organization of this book,
where arrows represent the depen de nc i es between di↵erent chapters.
Colored regions indicate to which machine learning subfield each
chapte r belongs. Before introducing the fundamentals associated
with each machine learning subfield in Parts II–V, Part I covers
the background knowle dge required to understand machine learn-
ing. This background knowledge includes linear algebra (chapter
2), where we review how to harness the potential of matrices to
describe systems; probability theory (chapter 3) and probability